Αξιολόγηση μέτρων της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς (market-based measures) για απαλλαγή της ναυτιλίας από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα

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ΜΒΜ ; Decarbonisation ; IMO ; ETS ; Carbon free shippingAbstract
In the frames od this paper there has been an extensive literature survey about the carbon dioxide emissions reduction and the ways of achieving this reduction. At first reference is made about the technological and operational measures, that if implemented may cause reductions at the emissions of CO2. At next market based measures are outlined, the most significant of which are the bunker levy and an emission trading scheme. At the end a study is being made about the effectiveness of each MBM and the MBM with the greatest effectiveness is estimated to be the bunker levy.