Συμπεριληπτική εκπαίδευση μαθητών με ειδικές ανάγκες, στάσεις και αντιλήψεις εκπαιδευτικών
Inclusive education for students with special needs, teachers’ attitudes and perceptions

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Undoubtedly children with special needs and disabilities have to overcome serious obstacles during their academic performance. Inclusive education seems to promote equal and high quality education for all. It is a process which focuses on the unique and special features of every child.
Teachers and educational executives play a vital role in the development of inclusive education. The aim of this paper was to investigate the teachers’ attitudes and perceptions towards inclusion in general classes of students diagnosed with autism, ADHD syndrome, mental disability and specific learning disabilities. In addition, the paper aimed to analyse the factors that contribute to or prevent the development of inclusion. The sample of the research consists of 206 teachers and educational executives of the regions of Athens, Thessaloniki and Crete.
In order to take a record of the teachers’ attitudes and perceptions, a questionnaire was distributed. The questionnaire was based on the research tool ‘Τeacher Attitude Inclusion Scale’ (TAIS) designed by Monsen, Ewing & Boyle (2014), and is considered a non-weighted tool with yes or no questions. The results of the research indicated that teachers have positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special needs and disabilities. However, their attitudes depend in the type and level of disability they have to deal with. More specifically, teachers tend to develop a rather negative attitude towards the inclusion of children with autism as well as mental disability. Significant finding was the contribution of the engagement with special education, either as gaining experience or acquiring specialized knowledge on the development of more positive attitudes towards inclusion. Finally the participants suggested that only two factors as they already exist in schools, can contribute to the development of inclusive education. Those factors are the positive attitudes of administrators and the level of interaction and cooperation among teachers.