Εγγραμματισμός στην διαχείριση κρίσεων για θεσμούς εθνικής ασφάλειας: γνωσιακή προεργασία για ανάπτυξη διδακτικής πρότασης
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Κρίσεις ; Μέσα επικοινωνίας ; Διαχειριστές κρίσεων ; Διαχείριση κρίσεων ; Εγγραμματισμός στα μέσα επικοινωνίας ; Εκπαίδευση για τη διαχείριση κρίσεωνAbstract
Societies are faced with serious threats and crises caused by natural disasters, climate change as well as the perspective of lacking resources while they face important international menaces such as the rise of the international terrorism and the cyber-attacks. These extreme events and the rising threats create a global scene of complexity and uncertainty within the members of the society. Consequently, it is every state’s authorities-managers of crises’ responsibility to develop strategies for predicting, toning down and dealing with the crises. Media constitute a guiding factor of the crisis. They define the symbolic context of a situation, so as to be perceived by the public opinion of high, low or medium tension crisis or the specific situation not to be conceived as a crisis at all. The Literacy field in the Media can contribute to a more effective crisis management. Education is a substantial factor in the Media Literacy, as the crisis managers are given the opportunity, via being educated in the field of the Media, to become able to cope with any form or tension of crisis. Dealing with various types of crises, every government needs different strategies depending on the issues it has to manage. The current thesis is about the crisis management on national security’s issues and it also explains the role that Media Literacy can play in the management of communicative crisis’ issues concerning the national security of a country. The aim of the present research is to clarify the axis from the triangular relation Media Literacy- Crisis Management- Education for Crisis Management. To be more specific, the field of the Media Literacy is being examined and a research is carried out concerning the way it is appropriate connections can be developed with the Education in the Crisis Management. The study is divided in three chapters. The aim of each chapter is to present the connections via the systematic and focused bibliographical review. The bibliographical review is not limited to a conventional bibliographical synthesis, like the one expected within the composition of a theoretical framework but rather it aims to function as the necessary cognitive preparation for the development of a teaching proposal.