Πολιτικές υγείας για τους μετανάστες στην Ελλάδα και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
Health policies for migrants in Greece and in the European Union

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Μετανάστες ; Αιτών άσυλο ; Μη - καταγεγραμμένος μετανάστης ; Πολιτικές υγείας ; Πολιτικές ένταξης και ενσωμάτωσηςAbstract
This current thesis, undertakes the migratory health policies pursued in some member – states of the European Union. Firstly, it is presented a short introduction, which focuses on the inequalities concerning the access to healthcare services mostly of people who belong to some vulnerable social group, such as immigrants. Afterwards, it is presented the definition of immigration, the types of migration, the cause, and as well the degree in which, the Geneva Convention defined the migratory policies taken after its implementation. After that, there is a full analysis concerning the health policies in 11 member - states of the EU. These countries are: 1) Austria, 2) France, 3) Germany, 4) Switzerland, 5) UK, 6) Ireland, 7) Spain, 8) Italy, 9) Netherlands, 10) Portugal, 11) Sweden. In addition to, an analysis of the migratory health policies in Greece is presented, which has become the last few years a reception country of immigrants instead of a country. In the next unit, we describe the models of integration of health policies pursued, especially in two traditional migration countries, France and Germany. Plus, the migratory policies of integration in Greece are analyzed, while there is a clear reference to her strategic plan, concerning the refugee crisis. This thesis, is concluded with the results based on the previous full analysis.