Προσδιοριστικοί παράγοντες διαρροής εγκεφάλων: μία έρευνα στις οικονομικές σχολές της Ελλάδος
Determining factors of brain drain: a research in the greek schools of economics

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Μετανάστευση ; Κυκλοφορία επιστημονικού δυναμικού ; Υψηλή ειδίκευση ; Αίτια και αποτελέσματα ; Αγορά εργασίαςAbstract
The present thesis entitled ‘Determining Factors of Brain Drain: A Research in the Greek Schools of Economics’ is the result of a research effort that took place in the Department of Economics at the University of Pireaus within the context of the postgraduate program ‘Economics of Education’. The thesis aims at studying the phenomenon of brain drain in Greece through examining the main criteria of the migratory movement over the last years. Firstly, bearing in mind the guidelines of the existing literature, the term ‘Brain Drain’ is defined, a brief reference to the European policy towards immigration is made and the causes and the consequences of the phenomenon are also enumerated. Then by collecting data through a survey, we study the university students’ intentions to immigrate and their opinion on the current economic situation in Greece. Finally, the results of the thesis show that the phenomenon of brain drain is accelerated and as a consequence, the country is led to a vicious circle of slow growth and high unemployment.