Το θαλάσσιο εμπόριο του πετρελαίου και τα τερματικά διαχείρισής του

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Πετρέλαιο ; Αργό πετρέλαιο ; Πετρελαιοειδή ; Θαλάσσιες μεταφορές ; Δεξαμενόπλοια ; Τερματικά διαχείρισης πετρελαίου ; ΛιμάνιαAbstract
Oil has been the primary source of energy since the beginning of last century. It highly contributed to the form that world nowadayshas, with both its positive and negative aspects.Seaborne trade constitutes the cheaper, more reliable and occasionally only way of oil transport around the globe.Global oil market is formed by the forces of demand (consumption) and supply (production), the analysis of which creates the map of world oil trade.Allocation of resources is unequal , since areas as Middle East and North America hold well above the half of world oil production. Demand on the other hand is concentrated in Far East , Northern America and Europe. OilTankerssizesvarydepending on the type of oil they carry and the ports that they call. Crude carriers are of bigger size than more specialized product tankers. In the context of IMO direction to safer and “greener” transportations, oil terminals have tomodernize themselves with state of the art systems , practices and regulations. Competitionbetweennearbyregionalports intensifies , and as a result this healthy competition helps in modernizationand expansion of them.In 21stcentury the biggest oil ports map changed radically. Rotterdam possessed for 42 consecutive years the primacy in terms of import cargo handling in the world. Now the whole map has changed. Export ports as Al Juaymah of Saudi Arabia, and import ones as Ningbo in China and LOOP in USA constitute the most crucial ports concerning oil quantities handled per year, as well as tanker sizes that can serve.