Τα μη διασυνδεδεμένα νησιά στην ελληνική αγορά ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας: το άνοιγμα της αγοράς της Κρήτης
The non - interconnected islands in Greece’s electricity market: the market opening of Crete’s electricity system
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Απελευθέρωση αγοράς ενέργειας ; Μη διασυνδεδεμένα νησιά ; Ηλεκτρικά συστήματα ΜΔΝ ; Κώδικας ΜΔΝ ; ΑΠΕ/ΣΗΘΥΑ ; Εκπρόσωποι φορτίου ; Liberalization of energy markets ; Non – interconnected islands ; Non – interconnected islands electric systems ; Non – interconnected islands code ; RES/ HPCHP ; Load representativesAbstract
This thesis presents the electricity market in Greece, which operates in accordance with the legislative framework established by the European Union for the member states. In Greece, due to the specific geographical formation, the islandic electrical system is not electrically connected to the continental system. Therefore, there are many isolated small electrical systems forming different electricity markets on non-interconnected islands. In order the effective and reliable operation of these systems to be regulated, the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) adopts the Code of Non-Interconnected Islands. Present thesis focuses on the electricity market in Crete. Crete is the first electric Non-Interconnected Island system, which opened the electricity market to alternative electricity providers, thereby reducing the Public Power Corporation market share.