Το cluster θαλάσσιου τουρισμού : ο ρόλος των μαρίνων σκαφών αναψυχής

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Θαλάσσιος τουρισμός ; Επιχειρηματικές συστάδες ; Μαρίνες ; Σκάφη αναψυχής ; Marine tourism ; Cluster ; Marinas ; YachtingAbstract
The combination of geographic position in the Southeast Mediterranean,
extended coastline and longstanding maritime tradition of Greece, meets the
requirements for the development of Marine Tourism. More specifically, Yachting
grows efficiently by the countless islands and the proximity to the mainland. Herewith
dissertation, aims to process the current conditions that take place in our country about
supply and demand on Yachting section as well as all the prerequisites for the
establishment of Yachting cluster. In the summary, strong emphasis is accredited to
marinas as they operate as the connecting bond between mainland and yacht users.