Τεχνολογία τηλεϊατρικής στα πλοία – Νοσήματα και ασθένειες που μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει. Κόστος λειτουργίας των εν λόγω συστημάτων
Telematic medical services onboard modern vessels operating in Greece – Operational costs and treatment possibilities
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Τηλεϊατρική ; Τηλεματική ; Ιατρική τεχνολογία ; Ασύρματες ψηφιακές επικοινωνίες δεδομένων ; Υγεία και τεχνολογία ; Τηλεδερματολογία ; Τηλεοφθαλμολογία ; Τηλεακτινολογία ; Τηλεραδιολογία ; Τηλεχειρουργική ; Telemedicine ; Communication ; Telematics ; Transmission of information ; Medical technology ; Wireless digital communications ; Technology of health-providing ; Teledermatology ; Teleopthalmology ; Teleradiology ; TelesurgeryAbstract
Basic purpose of particular dissertation, it is actually mentioned the collection and presentation of the data concerned to the adoption and necessity of the telemedicine technology in ships as also the various diseases which could be faced and stopped in combination to the cost of such systems.
Therefore and in order for specific dissertation to be concerned as an accurate and detailed one, it is divided into four (4) specific chapters, where at first is mentioned and analysed the various technologies of inrofmation and communication as also the details and characteristics of telemedicine in ourdays, in the second chapter is mentioned the relationship between health and technology as also of the factors involved to the operation of such systems in ships, in third chapter is mentioned and discussed the relationship between health and technology through the adoption of telemedicine and self diseases on ships and finally in the fourth chapter is discusses the case of the cost of such telemedicine systems on ships.