Η συμβολή της ποντοπόρου ναυτιλίας στην ελληνική οικονομία
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Ναυτιλία ; Οικονομία ; Άμεση συμβολή ; Έμμεση συμβολή ; Shipping ; Economy ; Direct impact ; Indirect impactAbstract
Shipping is an activity that has a significant impact on the economy of a country, as a result of
supply and demand for maritime transport, as well as the structure of the freight market. To
make it possible to determine the impact of shipping on an economy, an appropriate analysis
of the maritime industry is required. Specifically with regard to the Greek shipping sector, it
is a leader in the global shipping market and its contribution to the Greek economy lies in two
main dimensions, the direct and indirect. The direct dimension comprises three individual
components, added value, employment and earnings from transport services, while the
indirect dimension also includes three sub-components, added value, employment and income
and tax revenues.