Εφαρμογή Android : έκδοση ηλεκτρονικού εισιτηρίου για τα ΜΜΜ της Αθήνας
Android application : e-ticketing for means of transport of Athens
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Android (Electronic resource) ; e-Ticketing ; Μέσα Μαζικής Μεταφοράς (ΜΜΜ) ; Ηλεκτρονικό εισιτήριο ; ΣυγκοινωνίεςAbstract
The current diploma thesis has as its main subject the development of e-ticketing application for means of transport of Athens in an android programming environment. Firstly, in the first subject of the theoretical part of this thesis is there is a historical recap about the versions and the capabilities of the new platform, as we mention the requirements needed in order to develop applications as well as the essential tools of programming. In the second subject, we get some information about the e-tickets and we also present their pros and cons. Next we introduce the main structure of the application developed for this thesis and we also analyse its design. Further on, there is an in depth analysis of the programming tools that were needed for the implementation of this application according to the Android Studio model. The last subject is focused on the conclusions regarding the development of our platform and we also suggest ways and ideas for its further development and enhancement.