Η αγορά γενόσημων φαρμάκων στην Ελλάδα και σε χώρες του ΟΟΣΑ
The generics market in Greece and other OECD countries

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Γενόσημα ; Αγορά γενοσήμων ; Διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας ; Παλινδρόμηση ; ΕΟΠΥΥ ; Generics market ; Patents ; Regression ; National Organization for the Provision of Health Services ; GenericsAbstract
healthcare sector is a fundamental one in the economic life of each country. Every state has as objective the efficient provision of health services at the lowest possible cost. The health system costs include hospital, medical and pharmaceutical expenses.
Pharmaceutical costs include brand name drugs, both with and without the patent, and generics. In recent years, all countries try to promote generic drugs to reduce the costs of the health budget, of the country and the patient, because of their low price. In Greece, physicians prescribe more generic drugs than brand name drugs, when this is feasible.
The first chapter of the present study concerns primary concepts for Health, as healthcare system and market, NHS and the Healthcare Expenditure. In the second chapter, the notion of drugs and their classification are mentioned. Furthermore, the process through which a drug penetrates the market, is presented. Drugs are classified in brand name drugs and generics and the authorization and pricing process of medicines is described. The third chapter refers to the pharmaceutical sector, its peculiarities and characteristics. The fourth chapter presents the market of generics. Moreover, the various country markets are compared with Greek generic market. In addition, emphasis is given on Greece, outpatient prescription and consumption in National Agency for Health Care Facilities (EOPYY), the years 2013-2014, and assessing this data, in the fifth chapter an analysis is carried out. Throughout the excel program, a linear regression is applied to investigate the association of generic drugs to the general costs of medicines. Subsequently, in the fifth chapter a specific class of drugs is mentioned, the antidiabetics, and using the data on their consumption in brand name and generic drugs, an analysis is executed regarding Greece, Germany, France and United. Kingdom.