Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση του προσωπικού του νοσοκομείου Υγεία
Job satisfaction of hospital employees of Hygeia hospital

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Προσωπικό ; Επαγγελματική ικανοποίησηAbstract
The current research reviews four main pillars: Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Individual Performance and colleagues’ related performance.
The originality of this research is that it does not examine individually these pillars, but whether and how much they influence each other. Therefore, a research study was conducted using random non probability sampling. The sample consists of from 80 employees of “Hygeia” hospital.
This subject has particular interest, since it plays a critical role in the development and proper functionality of any business. Healthcare is considered to be a “labor-intensive” workplace and job satisfaction becomes even harder to achieve.
Due to current challenging economic environment, companies are struggling to sustain their viability and maintain at least their vacancies. Consequences of this situation are salary reductions and benefits cuts, which would apparently strengthen job satisfaction.
In this context, the research focuses on the ability of company’s leadership to keep employee’s satisfaction high.
Purpose / Goals: Investigation of the perspectives and attitudes of “Hygeia” hospital’s employees on Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Performance, both individual and related to the other colleagues.
Using SPSS statistical software and after performing statistical analysis, we reached the following conclusions.
As observed, 62,5% of the participants are women, while men are 37,5%. This quantification is seditious referring to the manpower in general, but relatively common in the health sector, especially in secondary health care.
As far as wage is concerned, the participants are taken to be highly paid, taking into account that the 23,75% belongs to the salary range of 1001 € - 1300 € and the next highest percentage belongs to the salary scale of > 1600 €. Only 7,5% is being paid less than 700 €.
Regarding employment status we concluded that 15% of employees are Doctors. Nursing staff are 49% of the participants. Administrative and other staff are 32% of the participants and other health professionals are 4% of the participants.
The conclusion drawn by examining the relationship between Leadership and Professional Satisfaction was that the independent variable Leadership construes 38,6% of the total variance of the dependent variable Job Satisfaction. Thus approximately 40% of the employees’ satisfaction is affected by Leadership. This percentage is very important and special attention should be given to leadership and its integral parts by the Hospital’s Administration and by any organization in general.
Analyzing the relationship between Total Performance and Job Satisfaction, it was concluded that 43,2% of the variance of Satisfaction interpreted by Total Performance. This percentage leads to the conclusion that Performance depends on Satisfaction, which is quite rational, since satisfaction in the workplace motivates employees to perform better, more accurate and more efficient.