Η διαχειρίση των ιατρικών αποβλήτων στις υγειονομικές μονάδες της Αττικής
Waste management in health units of Attica

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Ανακύκλωση ; Απόβλητα ; Αποστείρωση ; Διαχείριση αποβλήτων ; Διάθεση ; Επεξεργασία ; Επικίνδυνα απόβλητα ; Επικίνδυνα νοσοκομειακά απόβλητα ; Μεταφορές ; Μόλυνση ; Οικιακά απόβλητα ; Προσωρινή αποθήκευση ; Ρύπανση ; Συλλογή ; Υγρά απόβλητα ; Υγειονομική ταφή ; Χώρος υγειονομικής ταφής απορριμμάτων (Χ.Υ.Τ.Α) ; Recycling ; Waste ; Sterilization ; Waste management ; Disposal ; Treatment ; Hazardous waste ; Hazardous waste ; Transportation ; Pollution ; Domestic waste ; Pollution ; Collection ; Sewage ; Landfill wasteAbstract
The physical space of the hospital and the work that is executed in that area are of the utmost importance. The set of actions carried out aim at improving and restoring the health of patients while protecting the health and safety of employees and all those who are daily present within the hospital premises.
Hospital waste, solid and liquid, the management of which this thesis addresses, comes from all the operations carried out in the departments of the health unit.
The waste contains numerous microorganisms, some of which are pathogenic, and other elements such as heavy metals, radioisotopes which may not only threaten public health and the safety of the general population but also harm the environment affecting air, soil and groundwater. Hence the need to define and implement procedures for the management of medical waste, solid and liquid, having regard to the triptych: Reduce,
Reuse αnd Recycle.
The training of all involved to recognize the risk, to estimate it, to take preventive measures and to evaluate them as to their effectiveness contributes decisively to the proper management of hospital waste.
The management of solid and liquid waste and hazardous materials in health units is as important as the provision of health services with a common denominator to promote the public health and the protection of the environment.