Σύγχρονες μορφές τουρισμού : πολιτιστικός και θρησκευτικός τουρισμός στην Ελλάδα
New types of tourism : cultural and religious tourism in Greece
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Τουρισμός ; Ταξίδια ; Μορφές τουρισμού ; Τουριστική οικονομία ; Τουριστική ανάπτυξη ; Πολιτιστικός τουρισμός ; Θρησκευτικός τουρισμός ; Πολιτιστικά μνημεία ; Μουσεία ; Θρησκευτικοί χώροι ενδιαφέροντος ; Μοναστήρια ; Τουριστικές υποδομές ; Τόνωση τοπικών οικονομιών ; Tourism ; Travel ; Forms of tourism ; Tourist economy ; Tourist development ; Cultural tourism ; Religious tourism ; Cultural monuments ; Museums ; Religious sites ; Monasteries ; Tourist facilities ; Strengthening of local economyAbstract
Through the flow and evolution of the actualities of our social life, as well as the contemporary and constant changes of our social and political environment where we live and activate ourselves, a lot of changes contribute in the way of perception of data and our choices in every level. In this way, the gradual change of mind towards new and more alternative forms of tourism, constitute the reasonable and expected consequence of all these evolutionary activities.
In the beginning of this assignment, some general facts for the tourism are presented and then there is a report on the contribution of tourism in the economic development and progress of Greek economy through quotation of relevant lists and index. Furthermore, some elements and information about the cultural and religious tourism follow.
In the following part of this assignment, the statistic results of the research, which took place according to the profile of the traveler who comes to Greece, the trends and perspectives for cultural and religious tourism in our country, the problems that possibly faces and at last the proposals for the improvement of tourist product in Greece are presented and analyzed.
The results that arise are encouraging enough and show us that travelers are withdrawn from massive tourism gradually and focus on new and more quality options.