Έλεγχος τρωτότητας διαδικτυακών εφαρμογών
Web penetration testing
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Current dissertation refers to internet application functionallity and security. Each chapter is connected with
the previous one, in order to inform the reader about penetration testing techniques.
More specific in the following chapters are provided:
- A full scale analysis of internet applications
- The definition of internet applications security and which are the consequences from it's absence.
In addition to this penetration testing is defined explaining the kinds and methodologies that are
- What is OWASP organization, which are the most popular attacks OWASP has registered and
detailed analysis in html5 attacks and in firewalls.
In the last chapter, all previous referred content is applied in a controlled enviroment that OWASP provides
and particurarly the WebGoat project. Purpose of the chapter is practical observation and understanding in
which way these attack are taking place, which is the procedure that has to be followed per attack and ways to evade them.