Μελέτη της εφαρμογής των τεχνολογιών της πληροφορικής στην καινοτομία της διοίκησης του ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού
Study of the application of information technology services on the innovation of human resources management processes
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HR ; e-HR ; Καινοτομία ; Innovation ; Διοίκηση ανθρώπινου δυναμικούAbstract
The purpose of this master’s thesis dissertation is the examination of innovation of Human Resource Management by the application of Information Technology processes. For this purpose, we have chosen as case study the secondary education.
In any organization, labor is considered as one of the three key organizational resources (labor, land and capital) that the organization possesses for its development and for the achievement of profit maximization. Human Resource Management - HRM aims to manage the resource "labor" by making a series of actions such as selection and recruitment, training, and management of pay and benefits.
The global financial crisis, which started as a crisis of mortgage loans in the United States, had a direct impact on the productivity of both the private and the public sectors of all the nations around the world, which lead to increased unemployment, dwindling of business revenue, delays and shutdowns of business activities, reduction of the countries’ Gross Domestic Product and rise of sovereign debt, facts that make imperative the use of Information Technology in the field of Human Resource Management to achieve the best possible results.
The electronic management of human resources (e - HR) is the next step in the evolution of this function, allowing for the automation of many processes, thus achieving productivity optimization, high quality of services, as well as reduction of the operating cost. The Human Resource Information System is a set of software and systems used by the Human Resources Departments. e-HR is a function of Human Resource Management which requires the collaboration and cooperation of many departments and directorates within the corporate organization, especially between the Departments of Human Resources and Information Technology. Moreover, e-HR is a function that has to do with the use and management of electronic platforms and information within the particular business. It differs from e-HRM (Human Resource Management) in that e-HRM is a system that allows the management and staff to access staff data through corporate networks (intranets) or electronic platforms. It also
differs from V-HRM (Virtual HRM), as the latter is a structure based on partnership networks, where information technology acts as a mediator to help an organization acquire and develop its intellectual capital.
Within the secondary educational system, the use of an electronic platform which will meet the demands of human resource management is proposed. Moreover, this platform will automate most of the processes, hence allowing the tracing of any changes taking place in the structure of the teaching staff such as retirements, and transfers of permanent and temporary teaching staff.