Μελέτη, σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη συστήματος διαχείρισης περιεχομένου για την ενημέρωση των εκπαιδευτικών
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Σύστημα διαχείρισης περιεχομένου ; Συλλογή ; Δημοσιεύσεις ; Διαχειριστής συστήματος ; Εκπαιδευτικοί ; Σχολεία ; Διευθυντής ; Διοικητικά θέματα ; Εκπαιδευτικά θέματα ; Ενημέρωση εκπαιδευτικών ; Διαχείριση περιβάλλοντος ; Σύστημα διαχείρισης περιεχομένου ; Content Management Systems (CMS) ; Collection ; Publishing ; Administrator system ; Teachers ; School ; Headmaster ; Administrative issues ; Educational issues ; Teacher’s information ; Environmental managementAbstract
Nowadays, the traditional forms of information and communication have been
replaced by the Internet. As expected, new users’ needs have been
established for acquiring sites that can be managed. Thus, various content
management systems have been developed that offer users the possibility to
manage a website with several configurations, without modifying the
programming code.
In this paper, we have developed a new content management system to
inform teachers on several administrative and educational issues. Our aim is
to create a user-friendly system that is not only simple to learn and manage
but also effective.
Before proceeding with the implementation, we have studied the content
management systems, the existing types of systems and their architecture.
We have analyzed the process of collecting, managing and publishing
information, that is implemented in a system. We have presented open source
content management systems, like Joomla and Drupal, where users could
modify the code, if they wish.
We have analyzed methodology for the design and development of the
system. We have determined the goals and needs of the system, we have
defined the roles and modeled system behavior with use cases diagrams.
Then, we have designed the data base of our system.
Finally, we have presented the system, which is developed by the open
source tool XAMMP. The system administrator may update articles with text
and image and create the Web page menu very easily and without
complicated procedures. He may modify some parts of the environment and
manage his account.