Η σύγκριση εξόρυξης και χρήσης του σχιστολιθικού φυσικού αερίου στις αγορές των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών Αμερικής και της Κίνας, οι περιβαλλοντικές και οικονομικές επιπτώσεις σε κάθε αγορά

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Σχιστολιθικό αέριο ; Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής ; Κίνα ; Μη συμβατικοί πόροι ; Ανακτήσιμα αποθέματα ; Shale gas ; USA ; China ; Unconventional resources ; Recoverable reservesAbstract
Natural gas produced from shale formations which is commonly referred to as “shale gas”, has attracted the interest of two countries with huge energy dependencies, the U.S. and China. Until recently the shale rocks were regarded as a potential rock source. The depletion of conventional hydrocarbon and the exploitation of gas bearing shale formations, have led to the realization that the shale rocks, can also act as unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, the production of natural gas from shale formations wasn’t considered economically feasible due to the special characteristics of those rocks. But this is changed dramatically with the implementation and further refinement of the methods of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing as were those that highlighted the economic value and potential of shale gas. The U.S. and China are seeking their energy independence and examined the shale gas of the two countries as well as the economics and environmental impacts caused by this new energy source.