Η Ασία ως μεγάλος "παίκτης" των άμεσων ξένων επενδύσεων
The Asia as big "player" of foreign direct investments
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Άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις ; Ακαθάριστο Εθνικό Προϊόν ; Foreign direct investment ; Gross Domestic ProductAbstract
The end of World War II marked the beginning of global economic growth. Particularly, the essential involvement with the foreign direct investment that began in the 1970s, made them as the main force of the economy of a country leading her to economic and social development and prosperity. Nowadays, FDI plays a catalytic role in the globalization process as a key-element of international relations. Moreover, globalization has contributed significantly to the smooth integration of a number of developing and emerging countries into the world economy.
The notable increase in foreign capital flows that observed in the middle of 1980s, was the result of the rapid development of transport, the changes in production methods and the impressive changes in the sector of communications witch facilitated the business mobility. The last 20 years, FDI have become a major source of financing for development, contributing significantly to the economic development of many countries.
Asia in particular has benefited greatly from FDI and is the one of the largest recipients of FDI concentrating in 2015 about 30% of global inflows. In this work, has been made an effort to present that significant absorption of foreign investment inflows from Asian countries and the consequent influence to the economic development of the continent in total.
Specifically, the first chapter, presents the general structural features of the continent, in order to figure the range, the social characteristics and the particularities of the Asian continent. The second chapter refers to bibliographic approach of FDI. In the third chapter, has been performed detailed presentation of major indices in Asia which are mainly related to economic development and living standards. The fourth chapter analyzes FDI in Asia and the reasons that motivate investors to invest in ASEAN countries . The fifth chapter, attempts to empirically investigate the effect of FDI in GDP of the continent then come the conclusions of the preparation work.