Το κόστος των διατροφικών διαταραχών
The cost of eating disorders
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Διατροφή ; Τροφή ; Eating disorders ; Financial impactAbstract
Daily intake of food is essential for the proper functioning of the body and the
person's health. As important it is the food, so important is the lack of means of
voluntary withdrawal or through the profuse consumption.
Eating disorders are a serious disease that impact upon lives both psychologically and
physically, yet the number of patients continues to grow. Various studies show that
the treatment of the disease is undertaking a major shift in the scientific community,
and alternative methods are being sought.
Whilst it is thought that eating disorders are dominated by the female sex, there has
been a gradual increase amongst males. The objective for the study is to analyze the
factors involved in the onset of the disease, through to the evolution of various
alternative treatments involved in the recovery and recuperation.
Prevention of the disorder is key, and the analyses of statistical results provide an
important tool for ensuring new methods and practices to constitute a means for
reduction and recovery emergence of new cases.