Διαχείριση αποβλήτων των νοσοκομείων και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη
Hospital’s waste management and sustainable development
Απόβλητα υγειονομικών μονάδων ; Επικίνδυνα απόβλητα ; Διάθεση ; Ανάκτηση ; Διαχείριση αποβλήτων ; Αειφόρος ανάπτυξη ; Hazardous wastes ; Waste management ; Sustainable development ; Recuperation ; Disposal wastesAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Hospital wastes are a burning issue for the countries of Europe
in the 20th century and the requirement for harmonization of their management with
the principles of sustainable development is a cause of profound change in the legal
system (SD defended entirely by law) and the Comission’s recommendations for
further management. With all these deals the present work.
A. REVIEW: For the present paper reviewed pieces of legislation of 2012 onwards
and the plans of the Ministry of Environment and scientific articles greek and foreign
from 2008 onwards.
B. RESEARCH: The survey was conducted in four hospitals of Attica with closed
questions (cited the tools) in scale 1-4, the questionnaires concerned all stages of
management a) production-prevention production, b) sorting at source for all waste
streams, c) transfer-road transport, d) alternative management plans, e) emergency
plan, f) education, g) safety and hygiene, h) storage, i) processing. Studied the
Environmental Management System for each of these stages.
METHODOLOGY: Statistical Analysis with the program Stata S.E n. 11. The sum
and standard deviation of all stages of management both among hospital and in each
one separately showed no essential fluctuations of Internal Regulation Waste
Management Health Units in hospitals, (sum 1,… and stan. Dev. 0,…- 1,…).
Limitations: The survey was carried out in hospitals of Attica.
C. RESULTS: Although the newly established system, the hospitals present
particularly positive effects, particular emphasis should be given to the productionprevention
production, the implementation of the Environmental Management System
and the continuous training of staff. The finding of course is that the system wants
credit time and has a long way to go…….