H διαφήμιση στον κλάδο της κινητής τηλεφωνίας : η περίπτωση των εταιρειών Cosmote και Vodafone
Advertising in the mobile telephony : the case of Cosmote and Vodafone

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Κινητά τηλέφωνα ; Κινητή τηλεφωνία -- Ελλάδα ; Διαφήμιση ; Αφοσίωση πελατών ; Τηλεπικοινωνίες ; Cellular telephony ; Advertisement ; Customer loyalty ; TelecommunicationsAbstract
In nowadays, where there is a rapid development in the field of telecommunications, mobile
users require service quality and support. Fierce competition with the entry of new mobile
operators and transition of services from simple voice communication to data exchange led
providers to turn their interest in upgrading and improving their products and services and new
practices of attracting customers and maintain the existing ones. Moreover, the financial crisis is
creating more and more problems of sustainability in most mobile phone companies which seek
to maintain with advertisement their users and find ways to get users from other providers.
This study examines the effects of advertisement in users of Cosmote and Vodafone. It is based
on primary research (questionnaires’ analysis), as well as secondary analysis (literature review).
The research is quantitative and it was conducted by using a questionnaire which was addressed
to a random sample, as it is based on the principles of positivism. Data analysis was performed
using descriptive statistics.
The analysis led to the conclusion that advertisement affect positively the users of Cosmote and
Vodafone and their satisfaction had a mild or moderate influence on the dedication of the
respondents. Moreover, there is a positive effect of the quality of service on the customer loyalty.