Γενόσημα φάρμακα και η επίδραση τους σε κοινωνικό και οικονομικό επίπεδο
Generic drugs and its effect in social and economic sector
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Οργανωτική δομή συστήματος υγείας ; Φαρμακευτικός κλάδος ; Γενόσημα φάρμακα ; Organizational structure of the health care system ; Pharmaceutical industry ; Generic drugsAbstract
The term “generic” drugs has been widely known in Greece only in the past
few years, whereas in Europe and other parts of the world their use has been common
practice for decades.
The objective of the following thesis is to analyze and determine the effect of
said drugs in a level of social and financial cost. Firstly there is a review of the
organizational structure of the health care system followed by another review of the
pharmaceutical industry.
Moving forward we explicate the manner of distribution by health care
professionals and by extension to patients / consumers, while analyzing the external
factors that can influence the practices of the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover the
term generic drugs and its effect in the Greek market are clarified. Summarizing there
is a SWOT analysis presentation about the production and merchandising of