Πολιτική ανταγωνισμού και ρυθμιστική πολιτική : ο ρόλος των δύο αυτών συνιστωσών της μικροοικονομικής πολιτικής στη θωράκιση του ανταγωνισμού
Competition policy and regulatory policy : the role of both of these components of microeconomic policy in the protection of competition

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Ρύθμιση ; Μονοπώλιο ; Competition ; Regulation ; MonopolyAbstract
The objective of the present study is to conduct an analysis regarding whether the competition policy and the regulatory policy can form the basis for the protection of competition in the economy. In order to fulfill its scope, the present study is divided into eight units.
The first chapter is an introduction and there is a preliminary approach regarding the subject of the study and its importance. For a greater in-depth study into the foundations of competition policy in Greece, there is a historical review of the official policy regarding competition in the country, while at the same time an examination of the critical issues which are identified on a European level, a part of which includes Greece, is carried out.
The second chapter analyzes the essential topics and more specifically the contents of the policy regarding competition. The approach taken while analyzing the contents of this policy is examined by looking at horizontal agreements, vertical agreements, abuse of the dominant position, mergers, unfair competition and consumer protection.
Moreover, in the next chapter, there is an analysis of the framework of the competition policy, with the definition of the respective market and the definitive analysis of monopolistic power.
The fourth chapter discusses the regulatory matters and particularly the structure and practices for its enforcement. Mention is made of the tools for legal enforcement as well as for the inspections/controls, while other modes of implementation of the general principles of competition are also listed. At the same time, it is important to examine whether international trade can play a role at the competition policy. Finally,
an analysis is present regarding the resources, the actions as well as the implied priorities for the regulatory authorities.
Following in the fifth chapter, there is an analysis of the framework regarding regulatory policy. The analysis is both at the level of regulatory intervention with full information as well as regulatory invention with asymmetric (partial) information.
The sixth chapter includes an analysis of the limits to competition policy and more particularly the exceptions and the specific regulatory aspects which exist, both for the entire economy as well as for each sector.
For a greater understanding of the competition policy and regulatory policy as they regard issues related to unfair competition, the seventh chapter of this study presents two case studies on the topic of the abuse of the dominant position. The formal complaints of the opposing companies are presented and the decisions of the Competition Committee are also included.
Finally, the eighth chapter puts forward the conclusions which emerge regarding how competition policy and regulatory policy can create a basis for the protection of competition, in general, as well as specifically considering the structure of the Greek economy with which the present study is concerned.