Ασφαλείς διαδικτυακές εφαρμογές. Επιθέσεις, αδυναμίες, αντίμετρα
Secure web applications. Attacks, vulnerabilities, countermeasures

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Επιθέσεις διαδικτύουAbstract
This dissertation focuses on the development of a secure web application which is not mainly based on a specific framework or a Content Management System. Therefore, a thorough research has been conducted for the proper implementation of countermeasures which can be used to protect against various attacks and also to eliminate the weaknesses that may exist in an application. The structure of this dissertation is as follows: - The first chapter is a quick reference to basic concepts related to security issues. - The second chapter presents in detail everything a web developer needs to know on weaknesses, attacks and countermeasures which are related to web applications. - In the third chapter there are presented all functionalities which are provided from the application to the users as well as all those countermeasures used. - The fourth chapter contains the conclusions of the conducted research. - The fifth chapter lists all future extensions that can be implemented over time.