Κοστολόγηση της εθελοντικής εργασίας σε μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις
Costing of volunteer work in non govermental organizations

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Τρίτος τομέας ; Κοινωνική οικονομία ; Εθελοντικός τομέας ; Εθελοντής ; Εθελοντική εργασία ; Κοστολόγηση ; Οικονομική αξία εθελοντικής εργασίας ; Third sector ; Social economy ; Non-governmental organization ; Volunteer sector ; Volunteer ; Volunteer work ; Costing ; Monetary value of volunteer workAbstract
The value of volunteering is widely recognized, but the economic value rarely is explored. This paper aims to study the phenomenon of the Third Sector and the assessment of the economic value of volunteering in combination with understanding the NGOs , their economic power, their financing and the influence they having both internationally and locally. We analyse the diversity of the phenomenon of voluntary services as we explore the different economic approaches that have been proposed to quantify voluntary work. We present the case study of a Greek NGOs were we calculate the monetary power of the volunteer workforce and we use it as evidence to prove the economic power of the volunteer workforce in our country.