Επιχειρηματική αριστεία : η προσέγγιση της λιτής παραγωγής

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Επιχειρηματική αριστεία ; Λιτή παραγωγή ; 6σ ; Λιτό 6σ ; Six sigma (Quality control standard) ; Business excellence ; Lean production ; Lean six sigmaAbstract
It is a fact that Business Excellenceis related to the developmentand strengtheningof management andorganizational processes in orderto improveperformance andto create valuefor the shareholders.
On the other hand, lean production is one of the most important methodologies in the field of quality and performance management. Modern scientific literature has reported in detail the advantages and Sousse constraints encountered in implementation and which we mentioned in the present work.
Apart fromlean production there is the lean 6s (lean six sigma), which provides a means for improving the delivery of services, using a methodology based on the methodology of both lean production and 6s (six sigma). This method has several advantages, if implemented correctly, but also risks considered as another management fad, if it is not applied properly.
In this thesis, we dealt with the concept of lean production as a form aimed at entrepreneurial excellence, which these days has been discussed by many organizations and businesses, which are oriented towards continuous improvement and maximizing satisfaction their clients.
The general conclusion thatarises from this work is that in today's rapidly changing and complex business environment, the achievement of business excellence should be an aim for every company and organization that cares about its success.
However they should be careful, before the decide, what methodology they will follow, as they should know well both the benefits that they can have through each concept, and also the risks that posed by the improper application of the principles of the methodology, since in this case the loss of time and cost will be enormous for them.