Εκπαιδευτικός σχεδιασμός ανοικτών διαδικτυακών μαθημάτων (MOOCs) αξιοποιώντας σχεδιαστικές αρχές διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης

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Ηλεκτρονική μάθηση ; Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευσηKeywords
Εκπαιδευτικός σχεδιασμόςAbstract
Multicultural education stands as a necessity in synchronous multicultural societies. Learner’s cultural origin and characteristics influence a lot his educational habits and learning performance. When educational procedure doesn’t get contrary or offensive to learner’s cultural background, learning goals can be achieved. In any other case, the results will be surely disappointing, because learner will soon quit from trying to grasp or construct knowledge.
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) came recently to be added to the abilities of E-learning (Adams A.A. et al ,2013). They have become known for their many advantages, such as the lifelong educational experiences they offer( Chen X. et al,2013). MOOCs’ providers claim that their students come from all over the world (Gaebel M.,2013), which means they have different cultural origin. This project aims to investigate and achieve the incorporation of designing principles (dimensions) that represent multicultural education, according to James Banks, in MOOCs’ instructional Design.
For this incorporation, firstly, multicultural instructional design factors needed to be defined and categorized to the Multicultural Dimension they belong. Some multicultural factors were rejected, because they are only connected with Instructional Design of traditional classes. Furthermore, significant addendum was the creation of a general Instructional Design structure for MOOCs according to ADDIE Model. It must be noted that the differentiations from the general structure were concluded separately for every different type of MOOCs. A proposal of an Instructional Design structure according to Multicultural Dimensions was made based to all these mentioned above. In order to understand whether the incorporation of multicultural factors in Instructional Design of existent MOOCs has been fulfilled or not, an investigation in one MOOC sample was carried out. It was ascertained that some factors were taken into consideration during the Design. However, the final results showed that the Instructional Design of the sample MOOC agree in a medium degree with the designing principles of Multicultural Education. After the investigation, some proposals were created to cover the noticed differences ,so that an adjustment of the sample to the proposed multicultural Instructional Design was succeded.