Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση στο χώρο της υγείας : η περίπτωση του Nοσοκομείου της Άρτας
Job satisfaction in health services : the case of Arta Hospital

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Eργασία ; Ικανοποίηση ; Υγεία ; Θεωρίες ; Έρευνα ; Job ; Employees ; Satisfaction ; Health ; Theories ; ResearchAbstract
This paper addresses the issue of job satisfaction, a decisive factor for the smooth running of a business and its productivity. The beginning of thinking about the importance of an employee being satisfied is placed back in the 18th century, particularly in Great Britain. Since then, many different theories have been developed about the factors that influence job satisfaction and performance of a worker.
The theories developed can be distinguished in content theories and mechanistic theories. The first category is regarded to the needs of individuals and shows how these needs determine the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of an employee. In contrast, mechanistic theories attempt to take into account not only the internal needs of individuals, but also the incentives given to them and how these incentives affect behaviors.
It is clear that the variety and diversity of theories that have been recorded, offers many different perceptions about the determinants of job satisfaction. By the times we observe companies to test various theories developed, in order to achieve job satisfaction of their staff.
But regardless of which theory of is more Έγκυρο and describes in more details the major determinants of job satisfaction , each theory has added an important aspect , which all together contributed to broadening horizons around the issue. Also, these theories helped to pass to employers the notion that keeping a worker happy is not important just from the profit aspect, but also from the humanitarian angle.