Οικονομοτεχνική ανάλυση και αξιολόγηση συστήματος αφαλάτωσης από ΑΠΕ
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Ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας ; Αφαλάτωση νερούKeywords
While effects of drought become increasingly serious in our modern world, desalination tends to be considered as an effective solution, having various advantages and disadvantages, e.g. the high investment cost and the energy demand which is always covered by conventional energy. The purpose of this thesis is a presentation of a desalination plant using renewable energy sources (RES) and a technical and financial evaluation of such an investment.
The place having been selected for this Thesis is an Aegean island, called Kimolos which is fed with water via aquifers ships. The installation of a reverse osmosis plant using wind turbines will be suggested.
First of all, an introduction to the problem of drought, considering Greece and especially islands, will be attempted. The causes will be discovered and desalination will be tested as a possible solution, taking into consideration the institutional framework. Available desalination technologies will be explained and the analysis will result in selecting the method of reverse osmosis, as the solution meeting the needs of the place as well as the conditions.
Additionally, the plant which will be installed in Kimolos, that will produce 600m3 /d of potable water, is also analyzed. It is followed by a description of all stages of the process and the necessary equipment. Also, the renewable sources of energy are discussed while, for Kimolos the energy demand will be ensured by wind turbines. A problem arising in such plants is the brine and the environmental consequences of its abortion. For this purpose, there are some practices commonly used, which are analyzed.
However, the most important factor to lead in such an investment is the financial analysis. The cost of water transfer in comparison with buying water from a desalination plant will be taken into serious consideration. An attempt to compare desalination plants using conventional energy and renewable sources (wind) will be attempted, as well.
Finally, the investment will be observed by the investor's perspective, reaching a conclusion for the project's sustainability.