Η κρίση του 1929, η σημερινή κρίση και ο αντίκτυπος τους στην οικονομική και κοινωνική ζωή
The economic crisis in 1929, the today's crisis and their impact in the economic and social life

Master Thesis
Τσαγρής, Αθανάσιος
Οικονομική κρίση ; Χρηματιστήρια -- Ελλάδα ; Τράπεζες ; Ανεργία ; Unemployment -- Social aspectsKeywords
Χρέος ; Ύφεση ; Δάνεια ; Μνημόνια ; Φτώχεια ; Κοινωνικοπολιτικές συνέπειες ; Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο (Δ.Ν.Τ) ; Ευρωζώνη ; Economic crisis ; Debt ; Recession ; Recession ; Loans ; Memorandum ; Poverty ; Social-Political consequences ; International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) ; EurozoneAbstract
The theme of the following thesis is the economic crisis, its’ causes and its’ consequences . Except for the nowadays’ economic crisis there is a research about the 1929’s crisis. They are also studied the circumstances , the politics and the political situations, then and now , which have contributed to the outbreak of this economic phenomenon . Furthermore we observe the route and the evolution of the European continent by the end of the First World War until the founding of the European union and till the outbreak of the crisis in 2008. Extensive reference is also made in Greece through some brief historical references where is explored in depth the accumulated errors , mainly concerning policies and practices that have left their mark through the decades, as also the status of dependency and poverty that they have imposed with their effects. All my research is surrounded by tables and financial-arithmetical figures , which in my opinion makes the reading more informed and more methodical for the reader in order to make his own conclusions.