Μελέτη και εφαρμογή εργαλείου αξιολόγησης διαχείρισης ανθρωπίνων πόρων σε μονάδες παροχής υπηρεσιών υγείας (Περίπτωση Ομίλου Ιασώ)
Study and implementation of a human resource management's assessment tool in health care organizations (Case study of Iaso Hospital)
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Companies and organizations have more than ever nowadays turned their interest in Human Resource Management. It is already understandable that a company's success is entirely based on the human factor. The quality of workers in companies, their enthusiasm, their work satisfaction, their fair treatment feeling and their motives, all influence not only the company's productivity, but also its viability. Companies not only in Greece but also internationally, achieve great things when applying Human resources management modern principles while other face closure or present insufficient outcomes because their human factor does not work as it should be and as expected. In other words people are the components that make the difference in each company. For those dealing with it, human resource management may become challenging especially during the century that we are crossing. And that is because nowadays our environment develops and changes in such ways and rhythms that are difficult to be followed. Through these changes the need from the companies point of view, for exploitation of all available resources and especially of human resources, becomes more imperative than ever in order to gain competitive advantage. This need though, is more intensive when we are dealing with companies that provide health services, since the personnel occupied there, constitutes the most important factor for the correct and effective operation of the health system, mainly because of the role that depicts, not only in the production but also in the provision of health services. Aim of this thesis is to show us the importance and the necessity of Human Resource Management in general and especially in Health Care Organizations but also the best way to do so. For this reason the thesis not only presents and analyzes a tool for human resource management assessment but in order to understand its value and perceive its usefulness implements the tool in a modern private hospital, Group IASO.