Η εργασιακή ικανοποίηση προσωπικού υπηρεσιών υγείας. Μελέτη Πανεπιστημιακού Νοσοκομείου Ρίου
The satisfaction that an individual draws from his work in the public Hospital of Rio

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Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση ; Νοσοκομεία -- Ελλάδα -- Εργαζόμενοι ; Job satisfaction ; Hospitals -- Greece -- Employees ; Public hospitals -- Greece -- EmployeesAbstract
The satisfaction that an individual draws from his work is in line with his behavior or attitude which are related with other significant behaviors or attitudes in the workplace. The aim of the present study is to measure the job satisfaction of those working in the public Hospital of Rio. The study followed a cross-sectional design and all the employees were eligible to participate. It took place during the period November – December 2008. A sample of 286 employees was considered, out of which 134 were women (48,6%) and 142 were men (51,4%). Most of the participants belongs fall in the range 45 and up. For this purpose a self administered questionnaire was used, which includes two Parts. The first part consists of the "job satisfaction scale for the human services", which includes fourteen (14) items and examines their intrinsic satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, and satisfaction from their salary and promotion. The second part includes the demographic characteristics of employees and their type of employment.