Οι μεταρρυθμίσεις στο ελληνικό σύστημα υγείας στον 20ο αιώνα. Ιστορική προσέγγιση και συγχρονη κριτική αξιολόγηση
The reforms in the Greek health system in 20th century. Α Historical approach and a modern critical appreciation
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This graduate thesis presents the reforms in the health sector in Greece in the 20th century, through the institutional interventions that were made in order to solve the big problems created by national and international evolutions, but also the Greek's state response to offer good health services to its citizens. Most particularly, will be presented the history of the healthcare sector, related to the historical periods of the 20th century and the political, social etc. effects which characterized the occasional efforts for the composition and establishment of a completed national health service. This analysis will conclude all these elements that formed the health policies in Greece (or in our country) and affected positive or negative their evolution. The graduate thesis concludes that the political discontinuity and inconsistency is due to the national's policy deficiency in the health sector, to the non-lining strategic planning in health issues, even after the establishment of the Greek national health system; but also due to political pathogenesis reasons, national and social irregular situations, as for example I and II Word Wars, post wartime political instability, the dictatorship of the colonels in 1967 etc. which contributed to the delay of establishment, development and modernization of the health sector in Greece.