Πιλοτική μελέτη εφικτότητας - εφαρμογής προγράμματος κατ΄οίκον νοσηλείας σε καρδιολογικούς ασθενείς του Δήμου Μελισσίων
Pilot feasibility study – application of a home care programme for cardiac patients of the Municipality of Melissia
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Home care services ; Home Nursing ; Health services ; Υπηρεσίες υγείαςAbstract
The objectives of this study are to investigate the benefits of a "home care" program for cardiac patients, evaluate the effectiveness of that program, and make an assessment of the health services rendered in the Municipality of Melissia, laying emphasis on healthcare provided to the cardiac patients of the Municipality in close collaboration with the medical and nursing staff. The originality of this diploma thesis lies in the fact that this is the first time an applied research project (field study) is carried out in Greece, in order to study home care provided to a special group of patients (cardiac patients). It is worth noting that there is lack of references to this particular subject both in the national and international literature; thus, the Internet has been our unique source of information at theoretical level. This is a pilot epidemiological study whose sample are 22 cardiac patients, 11 men and 11 women, 65-85 years of age, who have been enrolled in the "home care" program of the Municipality of Melissia. The study was commenced in January 2010 and was completed in July 2010. For the study to be completed, the cardiac patients were asked to fill in the EORTC QLQ C-30 questionnaire with regard to their quality of life and "Minnesota living with heart failure" questionnaire concerning the symptoms and restraints caused by heart failure. The questionnaires were answered both in the beginning and at the end of the study.