Ικανοποίηση επισκεπτών των εξωτερικών ιατρείων της Α΄ Μαιευτικής Γυναικολογικής Κλινικής του Νοσοκομείου Αλεξάνδρα
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Νοσοκομειακή περίθαλψη -- Ελλάδα -- Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Ιατρική περίθαλψη -- Ελλάδα -- Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Ικανοποίηση ασθενών -- Ελλάδα ; Hospital care -- Greece -- Quality control ; Medical care -- Greece -- Quality control ; Patient satisfaction -- Greece ; Hospital care -- Evaluation -- Case studiesAbstract
This study aimed at developing a reliable and valid instrument for the measurement of hospital outpatient satisfaction and administering it to evaluate patient's views in a specific Greek health care setting. The method that was followed is literature review, on - the spot observation and cognitive interviews, yielded a questionnaire designed to assess the level of satisfaction of users of outpatient services in a public hospital. It was administered to a sample of 271 adult (mostly) patients who visited the outpatient department of the 1st Obstetrics and Gynecological Clinic at the University Hospital of Athens during the trimester April - June of 2009. Individual item scores were factor analyzed in order to form appropriate summated scales, the reliability and validity of which were subsequently assessed statistically. Chi-square statistics was employed to investigate the relation between satisfaction and baseline characteristics of the study sample. Total score of satisfaction was analysed according to generalized linear models. The study findings were satisfactory regarding the development of a reliable and valid instrument to capture outpatient satisfaction. Future research should employ larger samples and extend its range to other outpatient departments of public hospitals. The specific assessment of outpatient services of the clinic indicated a high level of patient satisfaction. Room for improvement was identified mainly for factors related to appointment time, reconstruction of the waiting room (corridor) outside the gynecological department and counseling of the patients from the treating doctors.