Ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες υγείας
Quality in health services
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Medical care -- Quality control ; Υπηρεσίες υγείας -- Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Διοίκηση ολικής ποιότητας ; Total quality managementAbstract
Quality of products and services is one of their basic competitive advantages in the market. The existence of international standards and the ability to certify the quality of products and services made the effort of companies much easier. In the field of health the continuously increasing costs and the increase of users' demands led to a spread of quality ensuring programms in western health services since the '80s. In Greece, there was a big delay in health sector development did not allow the occupation with quality matters since the mid '90s and the multiple problems led to extremely low users' satisfaction. This first allusion about quality in Greek health services was in law 2519/97 without any improvement of the situation. With law 2889/01 administrative department having quality as exclusive object were founded in region and hospital levels and many changes, which will indirectly improve the quality of services, were legislated, such as the introduction of management. The concept of quality of health services is multidimensional and its determination presents difficulties, due to the peculiarity of these services. The quality does not concern the medical practice, only, but it is also extended in all the spectrum of services and cares, as well as in all of the individuals involved (patients, relatives, social environment, and health employees). The «humanization» of hospitals-imperative demand of society-requires, however, systematic and brave interventions. It also needs political will and change of behavior of health professionals as well as patience and planning.