Η διοίκηση σχέσεων στη διαδικασία της ασφάλισης των ναυτιλιακών επιχειρήσεων. Η σχέση ποιότητας και τιμής
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Ασφάλιση, Θαλάσσια ; Ασφάλιση, Θαλάσσια -- Ελλάδα ; Marine insurance ; Marine insurance -- Greece ; Relationship marketing ; Customer relationsAbstract
Since ancient years, the shipping sector used to be a key element for the worldwide economic activity. Nowadays, a meaningful concept for the globalised maritime environment which is directly related to the economic activity is relationships' development. Relationship marketing can be defined as a marketing strategy that involves all activities of a firm including shipping ones in order to build, maintain, and develop relations with the customers. Relationship marketing is a vital concept for marketing which finally focuses on customer satisfaction. A research study was carried out in 31 big shipping insurance companies operating in Greece. Data was collected through personal interviews by companies' managers with the use of a structured questionnaire.