Προσέλκυση και επιλογή προσωπικού στον ιδιωτικό τομέα
Recruitment and staff selection in private sector
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This study presents the methods of recruitment and staff selection in the private sector, as weel as the results of the empirical research on methods implemented by Greek businesses in the field of health, industry, commerce and services. The purpose of this work is to present the way in which the modern Greek businesses attract and choose their manpower and the criteria, that play the most important role in shaping their final choice. More specifically, this study focuses on the tools and practices that companies apply to attract their manpower and how open positions are about to be covered. The research conducted, is addressed to the Human Resource department of private sector companies, that operates mainly in the healthcare field.
The first chapter presents and explains the conceptuals of "Personnel Management" and "Human Resource Management". Moreover, it analyzes their coceptual differences, their main characteristics and their application in modern businesses. Afterwards, the definition, purpose, meaning and main functions of human resources management is presented.
The second chapter of this study, describes the processes of attracting candidates in order to fill a vacant position. Furthermore it presents the sources applied for attracting candidates. 2) the positive and negative points of each occasion, and 3) the newest methods that are used. The third chapter presents the process of staff selection in private sector. Initially, we define this concept and present the purpose and conditions for an efficient selection process. Then we analyze separately, each step-action of a typical selection process. The fourth, fifth and sixth chapter analyze the practical dimension of the issue of this thesis. More specifically, a survey regarding the recruitment process of the human resources in the private business sector is conducted, so as to explore whether the theoretical assumptions are applied in practice, in the current Greek reality. Finally, the results that emerged, are presented in the form of tables and graphs and final conclusions are exported.