Επιχειρηματικότητα και χρηματοδότηση στον κλάδο της ναυτιλίας και των μεταφορών

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Ναυτιλία -- Χρηματοδότηση ; Shipping -- FinanceAbstract
The shipping industry is a sector whose contribution to world economic growth and prosperity is not negotiable. Maritime transport services represent the largest share of total world trade and act as the link from production to consumption. However, shipping is a sector where conditions are constantly changing. Maritime cycles affect the operation of the shipping market resulting in high volatility of freight rates and vessel values. The biggest challenge for a shipping company is to decide correctly and rationally in order to choose the right time for the implementation of its investment program. Because shipping is a capital- intensive industry, shipping companies are seeking external ways of funding their programs and bank financing is considered to be the most important way. The recent global economic crisis, which continues until today, has changed the situation. The banks now, taking into account the different risks they face, are reluctant of financing companies. The most significant risk banks have to manage is credit risk, which is the probability of default of the borrower. This thesis attempts to develop a credit rating model for project financing, as the financing of Greek shipping companies (object finance) is characterized, by constructing a banks' shipping scorecard, under the rules set by the Basel II. The aim is the acceptance and adoption of the model by the banks as an effective measure to monitor and reduce credit risk.