Διερεύνηση των επιπτώσεων μείωσης υπηρεσιακής ταχύτητας πλεύσης στη ναυτιλία τακτικών γραμμών
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Πλοία -- Ταχύτητα ; Steamships ; Πλοία -- Καύσιμα ; Ships -- Fuel ; Πλοία -- Περιβαλλοντικές απόψεις ; Ships -- Environmental aspectsAbstract
In the present thesis initially there was presented a view of shipping market, focusing on later stage in the liner shipping market and mainly the operation of containerships. Considering the condition of shipping market the last twelve years, we had the opportunity to clarify the main characteristics that shape her, nowadays. Having in mind the hard situation from which shipping market is suffering, with one of her main characteristics being the low freight rates, our main interest has been focused in the fluctuations of bunker prices and consequently the implementation of slow steaming. With the above aspects, we tried to illustrate the reasons for slow steaming implementation in the liner shipping market and the impact that can be induced both in monetary and environmental fields. For the actual calculation of this kind of impact, we used two different container vessels’ sizes, those of 2500 TEU and 12000 TEU and then we continued with the calculation of the various expenses that are created from slow steaming. In the same way we tried to analyze the influence occurred in the environment also. The conclusions that have been gathered following the completion of our study, depicted the most favorable speed in which subject vessels can operate, based on the particular data and the certain conditions that have been initially used.