Το νέο εποπτικό πλαίσιο της Βασιλείας ΙΙΙ και η αξιολόγησή του
The new supervisory framework of Basel III and its assessment
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Ρευστότητα (Οικονομική) ; Πιστωτικός κίνδυνος ; Τράπεζες και τραπεζικές εργασίες ; Διαχείριση κινδύνου ; Τραπεζικό μάνατζμεντAbstract
This dissertation deals with the implementation of the new supervisory framework, known as Basel III, in the aftermath of the crisis of 2007. Basel III is a complex regulatory framework with one major goal, the immediate elimination of the weaknesses that characterized the previous frameworks of Basel I and Basel II. The effort focuses on the quality improvement of the concept of bank capital and on its quantitative dimension. Liquidity is considered very important, new rules are introduced with the objective of holding sufficient liquidity by banking institutions and the liquidity risk is effectively managed. New indicators measuring leverage are introduced in order to prevent phenomena of supercyclicality. This paper presents the framework governing the banking system, analyzes the temporal scope of new rules implementation. Additionally, this thesis presents useful conclusions and indicates the risks arising from the implementation of the new framework. The whole package (new rules and framework) is particularly important, because these rules may determine the future of the financial system, in a high unfavorable timing.