Σύνταξη τεχνικών προδιαγραφών για τις προμήθειες στο χώρο της υγείας μέσω δημοσίων ανοιχτών διαγωνισμών.
Preparation of technical specification for supplies at health through public open competitions.
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In Greece, where the health system has public character, the quality of public health is one of the main goals of the state. Health as a public good is studied not only for its social character, but also its economic entity. Achieving health supplies with the best economic effect associated with reducing health costs, and simultaneously leads to the goal of the state to provide quality health services to the community without harming the economic interests of the State. Important part of the public open competitions supplies health products and services, which constitute the majority of competitions in the field of public health, are the technical specifications. The technical specifications are an integral part of the bidding, as all terms are inviolable and any non-compliance with which can reject the offer. This thesis deals with the part of the technical specifications for health supplies, which essentially becomes the objective description of the type of supply required by the contracting authority as and desired functionalities and quality requirements of the object thereof. The aim of this thesis chapter is to describe and analyze as many details as possible to facilitate the understanding and importance of technical specifications in open tendering procedures in health care. In the first chapter of this work is historical overview presents the current legislative framework governing the procurement of products and services in the public health sector. The second chapter outlines the process of public open tender procurement health products and services. Are initially sorts competitive processes and analyzes the declaration of public open competitions, part of which are the technical specifications. It then analyzes the award criteria based on the lowest and the most economically advantageous tender which appears the importance of technical standards in the evaluation and final selection of tenderers in public procurement tenders open health products and services. The third chapter describes the legal framework governing the drafting of technical specifications, the parameters of preparation of technical specifications, quality systems and certification related technical specifications. Analyzed basic principles that should govern the preparation of technical specifications, which are the formal principle of equality of bidders, healthy competition and the principle of transparency.
An objective of this thesis is to study the preparation of specifications and the emergence of the purposes of the technical requirements to achieve transparency of commissions on health. The third chapter presents example of the syntax and evaluation of technical specifications for the procurement of atomographic camera two detector heads through open public tender. Ιn this chapter are described simply, the machine and the diagnostic significance of nuclear medicine. Presents the technical specifications of the machine, a crew equipment and technical evaluation panel for his commission through a public open tender award criteria the most economically advantageous tender. Therefore this effort aims to highlight the importance of technical standards and the role of properly structured specifications in conducting public open competitions supplies health products and services in order to ensure control of legality in commissions to hit the corruption of competitions on health and achieve savings in public spending, resulting in state property be dispersed in such a way that the public interest coincides with the public interest.