Οι επιπτώσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης στην καταναλωτική συνείδηση: μία εμπειρική διερεύνηση των Ελλήνων καταναλωτών
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The following thesis is an inquiry into the crisis, its impacts on the Greek consumer and the changes it has brought out. It is separated in two parts. The first one consists of two sections. In the first place, it is made an economic analysis, then, in the second part, it is performed a search on non-economic issues, which are so important for the citizenship and the quality of life. As regards to the economic analysis, that takes place at the beginning of work. It is separated in two levels, in macro-economic and then in micro-economic. The objective of this field is to detect whether the crisis has hit Greece and the Greek economy, in the aspects of income, consumption etc. and to what extent. Namely, where the consequences of the crisis are and how severe they are. Specifically, in this part we examine the following indicators: population labor force, unemployment, GDP and per capita GDP, deposits, trade balance, inflation and the turnover of some key sectors of the Greek economy. These tables appear in the form of time series, so that we can trace their evolution over time. Also, we make comparisons with other countries, which are more or less developed than our country. Our goal is to quantify the numerical-mathematical documentation of the above data. Then follows the analysis of the non-economic factors that influence and contribute not only to the daily life of the Greek people but also in the level of life quality. This segment presents factors of our lives that have been affected and show us how they have changed (if they have) and how they have affected us. Specifically, we develop themes around the psychology of the citizen, after the crisis. We make references about stress levels, caused by several reasons and what impact it creates. One major issue is how the physical health and mental system have been affected and we also make a presentation-evaluation of the health system. We can see how the crisis has affected young people. Additionally, we examine how uncertainty has overwhelmed us and what it really means .Finally we review on our educational system. The above analysis is not limited to a local level but it is combined with an analysis in terms of countries and cultures, before and after the crisis.