Οι κανόνες του Ρόττερνταμ
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Ναυτιλία -- Δίκαιο και νομοθεσία ; Διεθνές εμπόριο ; Θαλάσσιες μεταφορές ; Ναύλωση και ναύλοςAbstract
The current essay is an attempt to present the new contract of the Rotterdam Rules and its new articles. The comparative analysis of pre-existing rules of the Hague-Visby with the rules of Rotterdam is considered necessary in order to highlight their differences. Specifically, the dissertation begins with the historical overview of the legal regulation of the international trade by sea and concludes with the reasons for which the international maritime community has created the updated status of the Rotterdam Rules. The next following topic of the current analysis is the presentation of the Hague-Visby Rules articles versus the new articles of the Rotterdam Rules. The purpose of this comparison is to demonstrate the pending improvement in Rotterdam Rules in contrast with the Hague-Visby Rules, on issues such as the responsibility of the parties, liabilities and rights imposed during the carriage of the cargo, but also the issuance of documents transport. The last two chapters of the study analyzes innovative regulatory issues of the Rotterdam Rules such as combined transport, electronic transport documents, the geographical extension of delivery of goods and the new concept of the 'controlling party'. The sixth chapter deals with other issues some of which are pre-existed in the Hamburg Rules, but for the first time are enriched with new regulations by the new contract. Thus, as it unfolds the new regime in this analysis, the reader realizes the imperative need to modernize the obsolete regulations and integrate the new rules of Rotterdam in national legislation in pursuing the development of international shipping.