Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής αξιολόγησης και κατάταξης προσφορών προμηθευτών σε οργανισμό παραγωγής και εμπορίας καταναλωτικών προϊόντων
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Προμήθειες -- Αξιολόγηση ; Προϊόντα -- Βιομηχανία και εμπόριο ; Επιχειρήσεις -- Πληροφορική ; Οικονομετρικά υποδείγματαAbstract
In current work is presented ELECTRE III ranking method and the way it supports the decision of vendor selection from an organization of production and trading of consumer goods, for a specific material. The subject that exams, is a serious issue of today reality for modern business. Scientific documentation and technical support for right management or not decision taking, is today more necessary than ever. Having in mind all above, emphasis is given in comprehension of scientific knowledge concerning decision problems modeling and mainly in vendor selection, through real problems solving. Moreover, special attention is paid in the way scientific documentation and solving could be translated into technical support, through a kind of application, which could offer the same reliable and accurate solutions. Theory presented here is a product of research of scientists from Greece and abroad. It is used in such way that could be conceivable and useful even from users that it is not possible to have specialized scientific knowledge in modeling of decision problems. These could be junior or middle managers, owners of middle or small business and students. Results of these problems solving, using the web application showed that such kind of applications is possible to support decision of vendor selection with pretty scientific accuracy. In any case, decision maker is the one who will judge and take the responsibility of final choice. However, any kind of application could offer the necessary support or even affirmation of this choice. For the purpose of this work, we formed a problem of vendor selection for a material from an organization of production and retail of fast moving consumer goods. Three criteria and six alternatives were set, upon which the study of the solution method was done. These specific criteria lead to a minimize problem. During application development, necessary adjustments were done, in order the user to able to compare from two to six alternatives. As a future extension, of the solution method also for the web application, are the cases of introduction of more criteria, which would demand maximizing, in order to have a mixed situation.