Νομική και τεχνική προσέγγιση του φαινομένου της μη ζητηθείσας (αυτόκλητης) εμπορικής επικοινωνίας (spamming)

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Διαδίκτυο (Internet) -- Μέτρα ασφαλείας ; Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο ; Διαφήμιση -- Δίκαιο και νομοθεσίαAbstract
One of the most useful and popular Internet services is the exchange of e-mails. Each user of this service becomes, sooner or later, his first contact with the so-called «spam». They are, usually, commercial email content aimed at advertising a product or service that leads to the recipient's mailbox without the latter has it ever asked or know the sender. The spam messages not limited to harassing commercial communication, often facilitating scams offering pornographic material or contain dangerous files, reserving unpleasant surprises and dangers, able to afflict their gurus and disappoint their newly minted cyber. The purpose of this paper is to study the phenomenon spam from two angles and analyzes both the legal issues and technological issues that arise. So in the first part develops the legal treatment of the subject, examines the legal regime in Greece, the European Union and the U.S., studied the phenomenon of growth in areas outside of the internet (mobile, communication policy) and direct relation with the protection of personal data and advertising. In the second part, the issue is approached from a technological standpoint, it examines ways of collecting and processing electronic addresses, sending spam to them, falsify data and phenomena «phising» and «pharming».