Μια νέα θεώρηση του ανταγωνιστικού πλεονεκτήματος: επιχειρηματική επίδοση στο πλαίσιο του στρατηγικού μάνατζμεντ
a new consideration of competitive advantage: firm performance in the context of strategic management
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Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Χρηματοοικονομική διοίκηση ; Ανταγωνισμός επιχειρήσεων ; Επιχειρηματικός προγραμματισμός ; Απόδοση -- ΜέτρησηAbstract
Although competitive advantage, business performance and financial performance are the cornerstone concepts in strategic and financial management, several statements about their problematic conceptual consideration can be found in the respective literature. The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is, to examine those concepts, to develop their measures as well as to empirically investigate some research hypotheses employing the above concepts. The dissertation undertakes methods such as critic literature review, audit of statements' logical inference, syllogistic reasoning and Bayesian mathematical expressions in order to examine the concepts of competitive advantage, business performance and financial performance as well as to explore the problems associated with their current conceptualization. Furthermore, the procedures of construct operationalization were followed, namely review of literature for the selection of a conceptually robust stipulative definition, development of a comprehensive operational definition and construction of a qualified variable, in order to develop reliable and valid measures for the aforementioned concepts. Lastly, cross-sectional self-administered email survey with questionnaire in fillable text-processing file was used for the empirical investigation of the research hypotheses. Following the identification and the mapping of the problems, drawbacks and fallacies relating to current conceptualizations of competitive advantage, a stipulative definition that can resolve the problems and their derivative drawbacks and fallacies was proposed. In addition, subsequent to the development of a comprehensive operational definition, a reliable and valid measure, which can be used in empirical research and was missing from literature, was constructed. Furthermore, a new perceptual measure of the other most important concept in the strategic management, that is business performance, as well as a novel perceptual measure of the most important concept in financial management, namely financial performance, were developed. Additionally, the conclusions from the research hypotheses testing of, a) the executives' perception about competitive advantage, b) the relationship patterns between competitive advantage and superior business performance, c) the forms of market functioning and environmental change as conditions for competitive advantage and d) the financial performance, based on both traditional accounting ratios and cash flows variables, as a proxy for business performance, contribute to the evolution of the strategic and financial management theory and provide useful guidelines to practicing managers who are responsible for carving their firm's competitive and financial strategy.