Σύγκριση θεωρητικών και πραγματικών τιμών μεταχειρισμένων πλοίων για τα έτη 2000-2008

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The current project has as a goal to study, compare and present the values which was sold in certain types of second handed ships and the values to which had to be sold if the theory perfectly applied. Indicating the word “theory”, we mean the type of Professor Martin Stop ford, which is analyzed in this project. The study focus on the years 2000-2008. All ships which are mentioned in the project, constructed 1988 and as a result in the year 2000 are 12- years ships. The year 2008 is the last year of the economic life of the ships. The ships which are mentioned transport dry and liquid cargo. The research of this project founded in exact incomes period-fares (for the years 2000-2008), in exact period costs, in exact scrub value of ships as these reflected in market and in yards and finally the long-term rate which is calculated about 6%. All data above which are reflected with real numbers of past apply to an excel. With the application of formula in excel, we conclude in price (ship value). This price is theoretical and no the real price in which the ships we have as an example in this project sold. This price is the price in which the ships should have been sold, in case that the theory applied perfectly without deviations. In the end of project, we are in a clear position to conclude whether the theory with the reality buying and selling second handed ships on line but also whether one deviates from the other. Worth mentioning that there are years, in which theoretical price and real have almost no difference, but years also that difference cannot be rationalized easily.